Blog tagged as Vehicle Finance

Heads up business owners: the asset write-off deadline is looming!
Business owners wanting to buy a vehicle, asset or important piece of equipment and immediately write off the full cost have just over a month to act.
11.05.23 03:19 PM - Comment(s)
Decoding Credit Scores
Your credit score is a crucial factor in determining your ability to obtain credit or loans, and it can greatly impact your financial well-being.
31.03.23 12:40 AM - Comment(s)
The tax on luxury cars just got a little cheaper
Got your eye on a luxury car that’ll make your mates jealous? Or perhaps something that’s a little more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly? Today we’ll run you through a new tax change that could help you buy something a little more la-de-da.
14.07.22 09:16 AM - Comment(s)
EOFY alert! Financial year-end is fast approaching
Small business owners wanting to buy a vehicle, asset or important piece of equipment and immediately write off the cost have just over a month to act this financial year.
30.06.22 12:08 PM - Comment(s)
What the!? Tesla came third on the new vehicles sold list?
Car enthusiasts around the nation got a bit of a shock this week when the Tesla Model 3 rocketed up the sales leaderboard to place third for all new vehicles sold in March. How did that happen?
30.06.22 11:53 AM - Comment(s)
How much have car prices gone up since the pandemic began?
Most of you would have noticed that car prices have gone up significantly over the past two years. But how much have they gone up exactly? Let’s take a look.
30.06.22 11:43 AM - Comment(s)
Thought about buying an EV? Interest rates for them are dropping
It wasn’t long ago that the idea of buying an electric vehicle (EV) seemed like a bit of futuristic science-fiction. But with interest rates on EV loans recently dropping to under 3%, going electric is now more in the realms of an everyday, mundane, household budget decision.
30.06.22 11:33 AM - Comment(s)
Wheels in motion: RBA paves the way for early cash rate rise
Mortgage holders are facing a sooner-than-expected cash rate rise after the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) revised its outlook due to the economy bouncing back strongly from the Delta outbreak. So just how soon can we expect a rate rise?
04.11.21 09:42 AM - Comment(s)
Aussie businesses load up on light commercial vehicles
Australian businesses have shifted things up a gear this year, with new asset finance figures revealing a 187% rise in light commercial vehicle purchases since January.
11.06.21 08:30 AM - Comment(s)
Class 1966 E-Type Jaguar $75k

Industry: Personal Consumer Loan

Client Requirements

Client is a car enthusiast and requires finance for the purchase of a classic car via a private sale.

Looking at 3 – 5 year loan term

$25k deposit available

Our Solution

Via our panel of lenders, we were able to source a lender who had a specia...

27.04.20 10:57 AM - Comment(s)