Network Finance

Blog by Network Finance

Property secured business finance: All you need to know
If you are a homeowner looking to raise capital, property-secured business finance could be the ideal funding solution.
27.04.23 02:43 AM - Comment(s)
7 cash flow problems and how to fix them
While revenue and profit are important for business growth, cash flow is king.
24.04.23 02:04 AM - Comment(s)
Cash flow finance: 4 working capital funding solutions
Cash flow is what keeps your business moving. If you cannot access working capital, you will struggle to grow your business.
24.04.23 01:54 AM - Comment(s)
Decoding Credit Scores
Your credit score is a crucial factor in determining your ability to obtain credit or loans, and it can greatly impact your financial well-being.
31.03.23 12:40 AM - Comment(s)
How Asset Finance Works - A Basic Guide to getting the Most For Your Business Assets
Having the right equipment is vital to the success and longevity of any business. It helps increase efficiency, maximise productivity and maintain a competitive edge.
08.03.23 11:02 AM - Comment(s)
Types of Business Finance
Cash flow and profit are not the same. Many successful businesses need funding to support working capital and fuel growth plans.
08.03.23 10:52 AM - Comment(s)
How to Value a Business to Get a Good Deal
The property market has had more plot twists than a daytime soap opera in recent years. So getting the skinny on current trends is helpful when you’re planning to buy. Here’s the lowdown on the latest surprising bit of data.
07.03.23 01:05 AM - Comment(s)
How Asset Finance Can Save You Money
Paying cash for the equipment your business needs instead of taking on debt may sound like a good idea, but are you hobbling your business's growth?
14.02.23 05:10 PM - Comment(s)
Stress management techniques for business owners
Being a business owner can be a very stressful job. You have to worry about everything from managing your employees to keeping up with the competition. If you don't know how to manage your stress, it can quickly start to take a toll on your health.
14.02.23 04:36 PM - Comment(s)